Public k-12 Education

Chester W. Taylor, Jr. Elementary School
Chester W. Taylor, Jr. Elementary School is located on the west side of Zephyrhills, 3638 Morris Bridge Rd, and serves a diverse area on the west and south sides of the community. The school has been rated as “B” by the Florida Department of Education for the past three school years. This Title I school serves a population of 536 students that are 71% white and 81% on free or reduced lunch. School personnel are engaged and are finding success as indicated by the three program and/or awards described below. Find more information at the school website:
Golden School Award, Florida Department of Education, 2018-2019
The Golden and Silver School Awards are presented annually to recognize exemplary schools which promote parent and community engagement in education.
The Golden School Award recognizes elementary, secondary and adult schools with exemplary volunteer programs that meet the following criteria:
80% of the school's staff is trained in school volunteerism,
School has a designated volunteer coordinator, and
Total number of volunteer service hours equals or exceeds twice the number of students enrolled.
PBIS Gold School, 2018-2019
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports – PBIS - Funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) and the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE), the Technical Assistance Center on PBIS supports schools, districts, and states to build systems capacity for implementing a multi-tiered approach to social, emotional and behavior support. The broad purpose of PBIS is to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and equity of schools and other agencies. PBIS improves social, emotional and academic outcomes for all students, including students with disabilities and students from underrepresented groups.
Each year, FLPBIS schools can apply for model status, which uses specific implementation and outcome criteria to recognize schools. It is important to note that submission of an application for model status is voluntary and that not all eligible schools applied for model status. Gold is the highest level of recognition.
The Learner-Active, Technology-Infused Classroom – LATIC -
Raising academic rigor, actively engaging students in learning, and building greater student responsibility for learning are worthy goals. At IDE Corp., we accomplish these goals through the Learner-Active, Technology-Infused Classroom™. As described in Students Taking Charge by Dr. Nancy Sulla, students engage in real-world problems that provide a “felt need” for building curricular skills and concepts. They learn independently and collaboratively with classroom colleagues and others around the world. They use technology seamlessly as a tool for learning. They manage projects, set goals, assess progress, identify resources for learning, and more.

West Zephyrhills Elementary
West Zephyrhills Elementary School is located on the west side of Zephyrhills, 37900 14th Ave., and serves a diverse area on the west and central portions of the community. The school has been rated as “C” by the Florida Department of Education for the past two school years. This Title I school serves a population of 855 students that are 61% white and 87% on free or reduced lunch. The school maintains informative web and Facebook pages with resources for students and parents. Find more information at the school website:
Golden School Award, Florida Department of Education, 2016-2017
The Golden and Silver School Awards are presented annually to recognize exemplary schools which promote parent and community engagement in education.
The Golden School Award recognizes elementary, secondary and adult schools with exemplary volunteer programs that meet the following criteria:
80% of the school's staff is trained in school volunteerism,
School has a designated volunteer coordinator, and
Total number of volunteer service hours equals or exceeds twice the number of students enrolled.
West Zephyrhills also features self-contained gifted classrooms for 2nd/3rd and 4th grades.

Woodland Elementary
Woodland Elementary School is in central of Zephyrhills, 38203 Henry Dr., and serves a diverse area on the central and east portions of the community. The school has been rated as “C” by the Florida Department of Education for the past three school years. This Title I school serves a population of 987 students that are 63% white and 81% on free or reduced lunch. The school maintains a webpage, Facebook and Twitter presence. Find more information at the school website:
Woodland Elementary offers enrichment in science, engineering, and technology via a STEMnasium program complete with a dedicated, technology-enhanced classroom. Students also participate in community service programs as part of the National Junior Elementary Honor Society.

Raymond B. Stewart Middle School
Raymond B. Stewart Middle School is in central Zephyrhills, 38505 10th Ave. The school has been rated as “C” by the Florida Department of Education for the past three school years. This Title I school serves a population of 933 students that are 65% white and 76% on free or reduced lunch. The school actively supports a webpage, Facebook and Twitter accounts. Find more information at the school website:
Golden School Award, Florida Department of Education, 2018-2019
The Golden and Silver School Awards are presented annually to recognize exemplary schools which promote parent and community engagement in education.
The Golden School Award recognizes elementary, secondary and adult schools with exemplary volunteer programs that meet the following criteria:
80% of the school's staff is trained in school volunteerism,
School has a designated volunteer coordinator, and
Total number of volunteer service hours equals or exceeds twice the number of students enrolled.
Infinity Academy The mission of the Infinity Academy is to develop a blended learning
environment that allows students to feel autonomous, masterful, and purposeful in owning their learning and education. Our 21st century learning experience teaches students to model excellence, integrity, loyalty, self-confidence, and motivation. Blended learning offers flexible, varied, self-directed learning experiences for students using both face-to-face and online delivery of instruction and content. This learner-centered environment enhances student ownership over time, place, learning path or pace providing opportunities to meet those needs in a precise and personal way.
AVID (Advancement via Individual Determination) is a research-based, structured, college prep system designed to provide direct support for college- bound students. Students who are enrolled in this elective course are determined and willing to work hard to prepare for college. AVID’s goal is for a student to graduate high school with the requirements to enter a 4-year college degree.
Delta Academy is an after-school program that provides tutoring, enrichment activities, STEM
(Science Technology Engineering and Math) projects, and intramural activities. This exciting program is FREE of CHARGE and is open from 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm daily for parents who are interested in after school care.
Raymond B. Stewart Middle School Electives
· RBSMS 6th Grade Elective Offerings: Physical Education, Band, Chorus, AVID, Spanish, Research, Health, Art
· RBSMS 7th Grade Elective Offerings: Physical Education, Band, Chorus, AVID, Spanish, Art, Business, Agriculture, Technology
· RBSMS 8th Grade Elective Offerings: Physical Education, Band, Chorus, AVID, Art, Business, Agriculture, Technology, Agri-Science Foundations (HS Credit), Spanish 1 & 2 (HS Credit)

Zephyrhills High School
Zephyrhills High School is in central Zephyrhills, 6335 12th St. The school has been rated as “C” by the Florida Department of Education for the past three school years. This Title I school serves a population of 1548 students that are 73% white and 71% on free or reduced lunch. The school maintains and supports a website, Facebooks and Twitter accounts. Find more information at the school website:
Golden School Award and Silver School Award, Florida Department of Education, 2018-2019
The Golden and Silver School Awards are presented annually to recognize exemplary schools which promote parent and community engagement in education.
The Golden School Award recognizes elementary, secondary and adult schools with exemplary volunteer programs that meet the following criteria:
80% of the school's staff is trained in school volunteerism,
School has a designated volunteer coordinator, and
Total number of volunteer service hours equals or exceeds twice the number of students enrolled.
The Silver School Award recognizes secondary schools that provide volunteer services to elementary or other secondary schools, and meet the following criteria:
Both schools have a designated volunteer coordinator,
Volunteers, both students and faculty, receive orientation and training, and
Student volunteer hours equal or exceed at least one half the total student population.
ZHS fully participates in the Florida online reporting tool, FortifyFL. FortifyFl is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows you to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials.
Career Academies at Zephyrhills High School help prepare graduates to explore future occupations and learn skills that ready graduates to enter the workforce as a skilled worker. Academies available include the following: Health Sciences, Aeronautics, Criminal Justice, and Building Construction Technology.